Articles about Hiring Process
Written by
Kevin Swan

How to Build a Scalable Full-Cycle Recruiting Process

Efficiency is a big deal in recruitment. However, a lot of recruitment processes are severely under-optimized. We can see this in the symptoms of inefficient recruiting.

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Written by
Ed Driver

How We Conduct Effective Pre-Screening Interviews (+17 Questions)

You need an efficient process for figuring out which candidates don’t meet the baseline requirements for a position. Why? Because many candidates simply won’t.Only around 20% of applicants make it through to the interview stage for any given job. There are all kinds of potential reasons for this, but the most common is that they don’t meet the baseline requirements that they need to do the job you’re hiring for.

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Written by
Euan Cameron

Our Expert Best Practices for Effective Digital Recruiting

Digital recruiting is nothing new, but the tools and techniques that work are constantly evolving. If you aren’t regularly updating your digital recruiting strategy, you’re likely wasting time, money, and resources while missing out on top candidates.

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Written by
Andrew Wood

Passive Candidates: How to Source, Interview & Hire Top Talent (Before They Start Looking For A Job)

Traditional recruitment typically involves creating a job listing, waiting for applications to roll in, and choosing the best fit. Sure, this method works. But it only lets you target around 30% of the global talent pool—active candidates.

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Written by
Faith Madzikanda

What Is Adverse Impact? Definition, Testing & How-To Reduce 

Humans are (in many ways) hardwired for bias—it can be a major challenge in recruiting, social interactions, and everyday life. We all see the world through different lenses, and those lenses lead to real consequences. In many cases, these are harmless. Maybe you prefer coffee to tea or think cats are better than dogs… no big deal.

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Written by
Ed Driver

How to Create and Use Candidate Personas To Find Stellar Candidates: Our Step-by-Step Guide

Attracting candidates is easy. Attracting the right candidates is a whole different ball game. According to Indeed research, almost half (43%) of employers struggle to attract qualified, talented candidates with their job postings. 

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Written by
Rachel Thomson

Here Are 10 Recruiting KPIs and Metrics You Need to Be Tracking

Every recruiter wants the ability to improve their hiring processes reliably. Maybe you want to find better-fit candidates. Or maybe you want to speed up your recruiting process so you can get high-quality talent in seats faster. The point is, there’s always something to improve upon in recruitment.

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Written by
Joe Latham

6 Great Asynchronous Video Interview Platforms to Streamline Hiring 

Asynchronous video interviews are becoming a more prominent part of the hiring process because they allow organizations to streamline recruitment. This approach is especially beneficial for high-volume hiring or when you want your Recruiters to prioritize their time on things other than marathon phone screens.

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